Saturday, August 25, 2007

down boy.

i love karen o.
she's so cool.

"hah !"

Thursday, August 09, 2007

why am i afraid of clowns ?
this is fucking why. jeeezuz.
notice the one between 2.32-2.27

looks like the bloody IT clown.

i hate that shit.
watched it ? IT ? the clown movie.

then came the nokia clown ad.
siallah ~

what would YOU do if they came down in parachutes
and started chasing you all over the block huh ? HUH ?!

now they've became hooligans !
british football hooligans ish clowns !

i say we kill them all.

oh yeah. happy bday sg.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

oh this boy's a slag.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

the swimlane is spinning its divers
by miss sally sniffs

teardrops are a miracle
vision is fundamental
waves form by the gust of wind
rainbows appear after the rainfalls stop

sizzling air rises & clouds condense
gravity pulls & the heavens shower
rivers flow & water falls
on millponds that creates big splash enthralls
oceans are too huge to predict
in gauge tubes and what lurks & crawls

enchant me oh majestic captain
charm me again with your sweet legacy fantasies
inscribe the atmosphere with your happy tunes
refrain me from the silent nights

massive icebergs up ahead
magma, warm the cold seabed
not too hot & not too high
spew some sulphur in the sky

sailors, please don't go too far
titanic sank because of ears
anchor your boats nearby the shore
swim to the quayside, you can drift ashore

tornadoes spin between the space
where clouds and land breaks up for haze
cure your sighness & cover you sneeze
rainwater drops because of acid & breeze

baby put on your thinking hat
i went to school hailing a cab
hailstorms make sense of diamonds
recall the episode on the 30th commencement.