Tuesday, October 24, 2006

selamat hari raya boys and girls.
we love our family and friends.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006

its been almost a month.
enduring most of the time.
its mentally stressful man.

for all the hard work, personally,
its not worth the fucking money and time.
to be serving at this particular vocation that is.
can't even spend on a decent pair of shoes with this pay. heh.

like on the T island, the more fun activities, for me,
involves going to the rumbling jungle tumble.
theres nobody to fuck you up there. i loike.

other than that, my thoughts often drifted into the realms of whatever.
puffing the magic dragons, living by the sea. california dreamin.
those kinda ish-es.

can't wait for next week. cause why ?
cause its fucking raya thats why. jeeez.

those koko crunch cum honey cornflakes cum
cookies cum kuih tart cum rendang + ketupat cum
lemang + serondeng (omfg BBQ !) cum
duit raya jgn lupa nak deberi ~ cum
those-things-that-make-your-fingers-orange ala super rings cum

1st day of hari raya.
that night i have to book in.

2nd day of hari raya.
field fucking camp.
of 4 days.

fuck them ok. really.
fuck them.

_|_ _|_

see that ?
fuck them.