Saturday, January 28, 2006

our deepest condolences for your loss..
he is in a better place up there..

you will be missed.


Friday, January 13, 2006

everything seemed to go so well.. until.. that trip.. to east coast laguna..

*jeng jeng jeng*

omfg.. how i wish i could shove that black pepper chicken rice up their sorry fucked up arses. it tastes like WTF i tell ya. its that fucking bad. you'd be lucky to find even one black freaking pepper seed up in there. OMG. it tastes, i give up.

ok i got food poisoning. ruined my entire week and more days to come. severe stomach upsets. toilet breaks in the wee hrs in the morning. diarr-the-fuck-hherra. you know the drill.

the pills dun seem to work. hoorah. great job docs.
gave me a day mc. after all that shitting, they gave me a day !?omg@1eleven$

but it did help myself from fags. which was alright.. saved some money for whatevers u know..
i will be back with better health (i hope) and a bigger arsehole.


Sunday, January 08, 2006


alright so, its a new year. feels like a new man.
ahhhh.. stretches the arms.

how was your new year ?
i had a good one. a couple of drinks, good company..
had my fair share of laughs. it was good.

i lost my digicam.

oh yeah.