Saturday, June 23, 2007

just bloody come.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

check this out.

that is the ish man.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

the shitness of serving has yet again forced me to
stop expressing myself through this medium..

macam paham.

but really, i don't have that much free time..
when i do, i will usually have to waste most of it
with useless problems and fucked up individuals.

what luck.

i am, however, excited to get my
Project Gilera Runaway moving..

its just spending my hard earned money on
my new trusted scooter.

i'm gonna name it Nancy Nobouri.
and it'll have those kill bill influences and all that ish.
and u know, those kinda stuff.

ill be starting the 'project' in abt 2 weeks time.
so what are you waiting for ?

get a bloody scooter you wankers.