Saturday, December 31, 2005

happy new year bastards..

fuckin yanks..

Saturday, December 10, 2005

updates regarding my life-which-is-not-that-appealing-and-does-not-concern-you-that-much

- doing attachment at C**S (company name is to be kept secret due to reasons which i can't tell you about.)

- its a month already. its a boring job. i don't think i would want to work there in the future.

- i would work there if they paid me $3000 a month. 9-2 of course.

- i fix pcs. software related problems. IT bitch nonetheless.

- in my spare time, which is plentiful, i am required to perform data entry tasks, fax note, zap
books. you know, the standard outsourcing routine.

- i enjoy my fag breaks. they keep me warm. the office is a cold place.

- food is cheap and bad tasting at times. every heard of a $2.50 pasta that tastes good ? neither have i.

- the people in the office likes to bitch and talk abt the other people who in return, are bitching in return. you know, the cooperate works. i am the messenger. (outsourcing)

- i am bored and will be back with more happening news. in the meantime, don't be like the people in the office. be nice. if your tempted to talk whatever.. then,