so ok. after years of block studies and a shitload amount of gaming in labs,
its finally over. thats right. the fairytale has ended. the journey is over,
and er.. the dream is well, there was no dream to begin with.
not to mention the last king has been defeated, the can crushed, the last breath exhaled,
the last stick of fags in the box has been smoked, the finishing line crossed,
the orgasm climaxed, the handphone finally rang, the plants flowered, the ass farted,
the boxer fell to the ground with a loud thud, the dragons slayed, the buddha bongged,
the cd burned, the jedi prevailed, the sith forced sucked arse hair, the meter gamed,
the bomb exploded, the banana peeled and well, you get the idea.
the people took a plentiful amount of pictures on the last day. it was great i guess.
everybody left soon after. that was it. it wasnt healthy in my opinion. ended up talking to the people till the lights shut off. now that was great. there was the standard exchange of phone numbers sessions. the 4 months was one of the best working experience i've ever had.
thanks guys.
its finally over. thats right. the fairytale has ended. the journey is over,
and er.. the dream is well, there was no dream to begin with.
not to mention the last king has been defeated, the can crushed, the last breath exhaled,
the last stick of fags in the box has been smoked, the finishing line crossed,
the orgasm climaxed, the handphone finally rang, the plants flowered, the ass farted,
the boxer fell to the ground with a loud thud, the dragons slayed, the buddha bongged,
the cd burned, the jedi prevailed, the sith forced sucked arse hair, the meter gamed,
the bomb exploded, the banana peeled and well, you get the idea.
the people took a plentiful amount of pictures on the last day. it was great i guess.
everybody left soon after. that was it. it wasnt healthy in my opinion. ended up talking to the people till the lights shut off. now that was great. there was the standard exchange of phone numbers sessions. the 4 months was one of the best working experience i've ever had.
thanks guys.